

Mutability and Immutability

Understanding Mutabilities


Python is one of the most popular programming languages that offers a rich set of data types. A Python data type defines the type of data stored in a variable. Unlike Java, C, and C++ in Python, we do not specify the variable’s data type explicitly. The data type in Python is automatically detected when the value is stored in the variable.

Python data type is categorized into two types:

  • Mutable Data Type – A mutable data type is those whose values can be changed.
    • Example: List, Dictionaries, and Set
  • Immutable Data Type – An immutable data type is one in which the values can’t be changed or altered.
    • Example: String and Tuples

In this article, we will discuss Mutable and Immutable data types and the Difference Between Mutable and Immutable in Python based on different parameters.

  Mutable Immutable
Definition Data type whose values can be changed after creation. Data types whose values can’t be changed or altered.
Memory Location Retains the same memory location even after the content is modified. Any modification results in a new object and new memory location
Example List, Dictionaries, Set Strings, Types, Integer
Performance It is memory-efficient, as no new objects are created for frequent changes. It might be faster in some scenarios as there’s no need to track changes.
Thread-Safety Not inherently thread-safe. Concurrent modification can lead to unpredictable results. They are inherently thread-safe due to their unchangeable nature.
Use-cases When you need to modify, add, or remove existing data frequently. When you want to ensure data remains consistent and unaltered.


Mutable Data Type in Python

In Python, a data type is mutable if its values can be changed, updated, or modified after the data type has been created. In other words, once an object of the mutable data type is initialized, you can update its content without creating a new object.

Examples of Mutable Data Type:

Python Lists

Python lists methods are mutable; the list’s contents be modified in place. You can change a list in place, add new elements, overwrite existing elements, or delete them. Also, note that the same value can occur in a list more than once.

Example: List1 = [‘Python’, 3.14, ‘Django-tutorial.dev’, ‘django master’]

Now, let’s take an example to check whether lists are mutable or not?

#create a list of student

name = ['Vikram', 'Anshul', 'Amit', 'Suresh']

#add element in the existing list

#print the result

Python Dictionary

Dictionaries are likely the most important and flexible mutable built-in data types in Python. In simple terms, a Python dictionary is a flexible-sized arbitrary collection of key-value pairs, where key and value both are Python objects. Example: Dict_1 = {‘first_name’: ‘Amit’, ‘age’: 44, ‘job’:’Professor’} Now, let’s take an example to check whether dictionaries in python are mutable or not?

# create a dictionary: Employee

employee = {'name' : 'Vikram', 'age' : 30, 'department' : 'Content Management'}

# change the department name from Content Management to Editorial

employee['department'] = 'Editorial'

#print the dictionary


Python Set

Sets are unordered collections of unique elements and immutable objects. You can think of them as a dictionary with just the keys and their values thrown away. Each item of a set should be unique. While sets themselves can be mutable, that is you can add or remove items, however, the items of a Python set must be of an immutable type. Example: set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} Now, let’s take an example to check whether sets in python are mutable or not?

# Creating a set
name = {'Vikram', 'Anshul', 'Amit', 'Suresh'}

# Displaying the original set
print("Original set:", name)

# Adding an element to the set
print("After adding 'Kunal':", name)

# Removing an element from the set
print("After removing 'Amit':", name)

# Adding multiple elements using the update method
name.update(["Ankit", "Harsh"])
print("After adding 'Ankit' and 'Harsh':", name)

Immutable Data Type in Python

Data types in Python whose values can’t be changed or modified are known as Immutable Data Types. Once the value or the object of the immutable data type is initialized, its value remains constant throughout its lifetime.

But, if you want to change the original object, a new object will be created with the modified values.

Common Immutable Data Types in Python are:

Integers (int)

  • It represents whole numbers, both positive and negative.
  • Once an integer object is created, its value remains fixed. You cannot change the value of an existing integer object.

Floating Points (float)

  • It represents real numbers with decimal points.
  • Like integers, once a floating-point number is initialized, its value remains constant and cannot be altered.

Strings (str)

  • Strings are ordered sequences of characters used to represent text.
  • Once a string is initialized, its content is fixed. You cannot modify individual characters within the string.

Tuples (tuple)

  • They are ordered collections of elements, similar to lists.
  • The main distinction between tuples and lists is that tuples are immutable. 
    • This means that once a tuple is created, its content cannot be changed.

Booleans (bool)

  • Booleans represent truth values and can only take True or False values.
  • These values are constants in Python and cannot be changed.

Frozensets (frozenset)

  • They are like sets, but they are immutable.
  • This means you can’t add or remove elements from a frozen set after it’s been created. They are useful when you need a set-like structure that shouldn’t be modified.

Now, let’s take an example of string and tuples to check whether they are immutable or not?

This program shows how strings and tuples are immutable in Python.

my_string = "Hello, world!"

  This code tries to change the first character of the string to "H".
  However, the code will throw a TypeError because strings are immutable.
  my_string[0] = "H"
except TypeError:
  print("Strings are immutable and cannot be changed.")

my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

  This code tries to change the first element of the tuple to 4.
  However, the code will throw a TypeError because tuples are immutable.
  my_tuple[0] = 4
except TypeError:
  print("Tuples are immutable and cannot be changed.")

print("The value of the string is:", my_string)

print("The value of the tuple is:", my_tuple)

Key Similarities and Difference Between Mutable and Immutable Data Types in Python

  • Both Mutable and Immutable data types can be used to store data and can be accessed using the same syntax.
  • Mutable data types can be changed after creation, whereas immutable data types can’t be changed after creation.
    • i.e., you can add, remove, or modify the contents of a mutable data type but can’t do the same with an immutable data type.
  • Mutable data types are more memory intensive than immutable data types as mutable data types store a copy of their content whenever they are changed.
  • Immutable data types are less prone to errors than the mutable data type.