
    Django developer roadmap for Beginners updated[2024]

  • Python Fundamentals

    • Understanding Data Types and Variables
    • Control Structures (if-else, loops)
    • Functions and Modules
    • Working with Collections (Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries)
    • Exception Handling
    • File Handling and I/O Operations
    • Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
      • Classes and Objects
      • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Web Development Basics

    • HTTP and the Web
    • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Basics
    • Understanding Web Servers and Clients
    • Basics of Frontend Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
    • Version Control with Git
  • Django Core Concepts

    • Setting Up a Django Project
      • Installing Django and Creating a Project
      • Understanding the Django Project Structure
    • Django Models
      • Defining Models
      • Database Migrations
      • Querying the Database
    • Django Views
      • Function-based Views (FBVs)
      • Class-based Views (CBVs)
      • Handling Forms and User Input
    • Django Templates
      • Template Syntax
      • Template Inheritance
      • Using Template Filters and Tags
  • Working with Django Admin

    • Customizing the Admin Interface
    • Registering Models with the Admin
    • Creating Admin Actions
    • Using the Admin for Data Management
  • Django Authentication and Authorization

    • Understanding User Authentication
    • Implementing Login, Logout, and Signup
    • Password Management and Security
    • Working with Permissions and Groups
    • Implementing Social Authentication (e.g., OAuth)
  • Advanced Django Features

    • Working with Middleware
    • Caching in Django
    • Sending Emails in Django
    • Handling File Uploads
    • Working with Signals
    • Integrating Celery for Asynchronous Tasks
  • Django REST Framework (DRF) Guide

    • Introduction to Django REST Framework
      • Understanding RESTful APIs
      • Installing and Setting Up DRF
    • Serializers
      • Creating and Using Serializers
      • Serializer Fields and Validation
      • Model Serializers vs. Regular Serializers
    • Views in DRF
      • Function-based Views
      • Class-based Views
      • ViewSets and Routers
    • Authentication in DRF
      • Token-based Authentication
      • Session-based Authentication
      • Custom Authentication Classes
    • Permissions and Throttling
      • Setting Up Permissions
      • Implementing Throttling for Rate Limiting
    • Working with DRF Routers
      • Creating Custom Routes
      • Nested Routes
    • Testing DRF APIs
      • Writing Unit Tests for APIs
      • Using Django’s Test Client
      • Using DRF’s Test Framework
    • Advanced DRF Topics
      • Implementing Pagination in APIs
      • Using Filters in DRF
      • Handling File Uploads with DRF
    • Deployment Considerations for DRF
      • API Versioning
      • Optimizing API Performance
      • API Documentation with Swagger or drf-yasg
  • Testing in Django

    • Unit Testing with Django's Test Framework
    • Writing Integration Tests
    • Testing Views, Models, and Forms
    • Using Mocking and Fixtures
    • Continuous Integration with Django
  • Django Deployment

    • Setting Up a Production Server (Gunicorn, Nginx)
    • Using Docker with Django
    • Setting Up a PostgreSQL Database
    • Configuring Django Settings for Production
    • Deploying with CI/CD Pipelines
    • Monitoring and Logging in Production
  • Django Ecosystem and Third-Party Packages

    • Popular Django Packages (e.g., Django Debug Toolbar, Django Extensions)
    • Integrating Django with Celery for Task Queues
    • Using Django Channels for WebSockets
    • Working with Django CMS
    • Django with GraphQL (Graphene-Django)